Course Syllabus: 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
115 Hours
Techniques, Training and Practice
Asana | Assignment | Pranayama | Meditation
20 Hours
Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy | Physiology
30 Hours
Yoga Humanities
History | Philosophy | Ethics
55 Hours
Professional Essentials
Teaching Methodology | Professional Development | Practicum
Chanting the mantras: Body cleansing techniques (Shat karma)?
Mantras are believed to penetrate the depths of the human mind. Mantras are elements of Sanskrit language chanted constantly to regulate the vibration of all aspects of your being and have an eternal influence. One of the benefits of mantra chanting is that it can help reduce mental stress. Scientifically called mantropathy, it is widely practiced for body and mind healing as well as for getting rid of negative energies in the environment.
Asana study: correct alignment, variations, modifications to minimize injuries?
Shatkarma is a series of six yogic techniques which allows for purification of the body and prepares for the journey towards moksha or liberation. Shatkarma eases and correctly aligns the flow of prana or the internal life force, enabling us to perform meditation for long hours, which is very necessary for the spiritual journey.
Art of sequencing and improvisation in the classroom?
Asanas are one of the fundamental elements of yoga. Each asana brings certain positive attributes from alignment of body posture. For example, elimination of toxins, weight loss, general health, elimination of fatigue and relaxation of the mind.
Efficient and intelligent: use of props to help improve practice in its early stages?
As different bodies have different flexibility and strength profiles, it becomes necessary that the teacher understands this and makes use of the props to intelligently deliver the teachings and engage with class. The 200 hours yoga teacher’s training program will help you understand these nuances in a much efficient manner. Understanding yoga postures with their equivalent Sanskrit names and their meanings: Every yoga posture has its own science behind it and upon understanding the deep seated meaning and rationale behind it allows you to practice yoga mindfully.
Mindful breathing techniques (Pranayama)?
Every breath you take is a source of Prana or the internal life force and the conscious practice of this simple process can bring magical transformation in every aspect of your life. The teacher’s training program will introduce this concept and how to integrate it with every single yoga asanas. Some of the benefits it will bring are improved blood flow, body detox, better digestion among others.
Meditation (Dhyana)?
A deeper level of meditation and concentration to know the truth is referred to as Dhyana. Dhyana forms the pathway to achieve Samadhi, which produces infinite bliss, the ultimate goal of Yoga.
Fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology
Understanding human anatomy will help people better understand yoga and its aspects. This will also help achieve holistic health and yoga practice therapies.
Yoga philosophy, ideas and hypotheses?
Yoga is an ancient philosophy. To be a Yoga teacher one must understand the philosophy and ideas associated with it. In addition to this, they should also be able to share these same ideologies with their students. The 200 hour TTC yoga in Rishikesh ensures they share this philosophy with the world.
Building Confidence Through Teaching Practice?
Teaching yoga is an intricate affair of body, mind and soul which requires immense clarity in thoughts and actions. The 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh ensures that enthusiasts are open to learning the skill of teaching and allows them to perform justice with their knowledge and the trust their future tutors bestow on them.